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Johnston Village Hall Pembrokeshire

Posted: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:41

Johnston Village Hall Pembrokeshire

We recently installed Curtains, Tracking, Lighting, Sound and Projection at Johnston Institute Pembrokeshire.

Bodleian Library

Posted: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 18:46

Bodleian Library

Again this year we supplied tiered seating for the Oxford Playhouse at the famous Bodleian Library

Olympic Torch Relay Leicester

Posted: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 18:41

Upstage was please to supply staging and viewing platforms for the Leicester torch relay show Monday 2nd July

The Bach Choir at the Brompton Oratory

Posted: Sun, 20 May 2012 17:38

On Weds 16th May we installed tiered seating for 200 and lighting for the Bach Choir performance at the Brompton Oratory London

Parliament Choir at Cadogan Hall

Posted: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 13:26

Upstage will be providing the choir tiering for The Parliament Choir's performance at Cadogan Hall on Wednesday 18th April.

Embrace Create Connect

Posted: Sun, 11 Mar 2012 17:33

Look out for us at "Embrace Create Connect" - a national event about arts and learning disability, at Embrace Arts on 15 & 16 March.

Upstage and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee visit to Leicester

Posted: Sun, 11 Mar 2012 13:49

Upstage and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee visit to Leicester

Upstage were delighted to support the fashion show presentation at De Montfort University, where Her Majesty the Queen and the Duchess of Cambridge viewed a presentation by fashion design students.

We provided the staging, truss and lighting, sound and projection, and operators for the performance. You will also have seen the stage on East Midlands Today on 8th March.

See video of the event here

New Product- "Light Tape"

Posted: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:51

New Product- "Light Tape"

Imagine a florescent tube less than a milimetre thick? We are excited to be able to supply this new high-tech innovation which ideal for anything from set dressing to safety marking. Available in a range of sizes and colours, please call us for more information.