
This simple demonstration is a good visual aid. We took two strips of marquee canvas and treated one with msl Firecheck.

Within seconds the untreated canvas is ablaze.

A fine spray of msl Firecheck was administered to the second strip. After 4 minutes the canvas begins to blacken. However no flames are able to form.

Firecheck FAQ

What Can msl Firecheck Treat?

msl Firecheck has been tested to effectively fire retard many natural and synthetic materials including; cardboard, untreated wood, polystyrene, hessian, foam rubber and any other item that can absorb it.

Can msl Firecheck Treat All Fabrics?

msl Firecheck can treat many natural fabrics including; cotton, wool and cotton back draylon. Synthetic fabrics include nylon and mixed fibres such as cotton/polyester. However, as new fabrics are frequently introduced into the market place we recommend testing a small sample or inconspicuous area of the fabric before a full treatment is applied.

Firecheck can also be used to fire proof scenic flats before painting or alternatively when using powder or concentrated scenic paints use Firecheck to dilute instead of water.

Is There Anything msl Firecheck Will Not Treat?

Unfortunately Firecheck will not treat rip stop nylon.

msl Firecheck will not treat waxed cardboard, plastics, waterproofed fabrics and painted or varnished surfaces.

Do I need to retreat at regular intervals?

The treatment lasts for the useful life of the article or material treated. Re-treatment is recommended if the treated fabric or article gets wet in any way.

How does msl Firecheck work?

Treating absorbent materials with msl Firecheck creates an invisible, fire retardant layer instantly.

When exposed to a heat source msl Firecheck forms a carbonized shield deflecting heat.

Test Reports

View and print off Test reports and COSHH data sheet for your own records. The reports were carried out by UKAS and BTTG accredited Fire Technology Services.